Creating a more resilient Washington, DC requires stronger and more cohesive strategic partnerships.

The role of the DC Civic Innovation Council (DC CIC) will be to build stronger bridges and relationships among a wide range of constituents, networks, and organizations and increase the likelihood of deep community change, especially in disinvested neighborhoods. 

We believe that the ecosystem-building efforts of the DC CIC shall lead to an increase in sustainable collaboration and derisked experimentation, encountering fewer obstacles to scale. This will ensure that our community investments, consisting of social as well as financial capital, are allocated to the right places, at the right time.  


benefits of Strategic partnership with dc Civic innovation council:


  • Ecosystem Capacity Building

    • Building bridges & Trust - We will connect philanthropic community with ‘on-the-ground’ alliances. Our leadership committees will have strategic allies from all wards. We will make introductions within our member network to key players at various places within the Impact ecosystem.

    • Leadership - ultimately, philanthropic capital needs to support strong initiatives - the CIC exists to support leaders working to improve their communities.

    • Consolidate/leverage coordinated efforts & stakeholder alliances. Efforts made to avoid programmatic duplication.

    • Insight - We will monitor best practices in the field, mapping and researching for ongoing initiatives to scale

  • Highlighting and Working with our Strategic Partners

    • Visibility - We applaud and warmly acknowledgement our strategic partner's support and visibility of their brand and culture across our larger network. 

    • Voice - We want your input and your voice to determine how the DC Civic Innovation Council functions and is governed.  We encourage you to take a seat on our Steering and/or Advisory Committee.




  • Improvement of philanthropic investments - Our network will ensure investments go further into the hands of local communities, especially those in disinvested wards. 

    • Pipeline - We are on the lookout and connected to many new or lesser known initiatives in communities around DC. Want want to work alongside our strategic partners to move aligned funding and other resources into these projects and organizations. 

    • Scalability - Out multi-sector member network will have strategic alliances that identify programs and projects on-the-ground that are ready for scale, AND provide data and information on best practices on programs and projects that lead to transformative change.

  • Continuity in collaboration

    • For multi-stakeholder initiatives/projects.  There is currently a considerable amount of work being made towards more collaboration. Yet, there is not a fully dedicated initiative or body toward this goal. Often initiatives that come together with cross- sector multiple partners, they are difficult to sustain.

    • Beyond administration. When the administrations change locally and nationally it effects our collaborations. The DC CIC can help multi-stakeholder initiative serving as a non-partisan "home".

Our Needs


  • Seed Funding (see start up budget)

  • Asset Mapping and other pragmatic information

  • Leadership Development or network introductions for wider collaborations

  • Programmatic & Governance design and structure to ensure best social and economic returns

Like any sound endeavor, we require adequate resources, information and leadership. We draw from a large local base of funders and other stakeholders. 



Next Steps & Follow Up

Key leadership is available to provide additional information or to schedule a call or meeting to discuss potential constructive collaboration.



Ben Powell, Steering Committee Co-Founder |              

Jim Epstein, Steering Committee Co-Founder |

Steve Shaff,  DC CIC Facilitator | Community Vision Partners |

Annie Hodges, DC CIC Facilitator | Community-Vision Partners |